
Showing posts from September, 2020

What is time

What is Time? Go ahead, Google "What is Time?". You probably will get a dictionary answer discussing an "irreversible succession from the past". That which is represented by a ticking clock is probably the only meaning we get from this aspect of life. Over the years, mankind has improved ways of keeping time, from sundials to atomic clocks. Mankind has imagined what would happen if we could alter time as we knew it, through various books and movies. People have created books where they could play with time to discover their imaginations and learn more about themselves and embrace their ideals.    The Alchemist is an unorthodox story that shows time has no meaning and not the main theme.  It is a story of characters with no time barriers with a dream realized.  Santiago meets Melchizedek, King of Salem who helps him on his mission. Melchizedek was briefly mentioned in Biblical times who met with Abraham. As Santiago continues his quest, he meets the Englishman.  Engl