
Showing posts from January, 2021

Semester 1 reflection

 So far this year’s 12 AP English was another fruitful learning experience for me. The workloads may be reasonably demanding but enjoyable.   This class allowed me to deeply reflect on the many literary works discussed in class. I really liked the idea of having time to read in class so we can prepare for the AP test. The intense discussions about the literary works in class are very helpful. The HARKNESS discussions really shed light on the subtle that are actually key details in the books and plays. For example: Why does Rose want the fence to be built. In order to keep the family together.   Not only is this theory referring to the physical aspect of the family but also kept the characters emotionally attached to one another.   The key details of having an interactive discussion helps me understand these texts from different perspectives, that of other students. The sharing of both mine and of others, with the teacher’s valuable inputs and comments, makes us think and see a broader

What Future?

Another dreary day begins  in  the city of  New Fargo (population  4 million) , 20 6 0  is in full swing ,  the remnants of a once proud society of technological innovation .  Masks are  still  mandatory and  they  even h ave an expiration dat e in order to make people buy more.   The Covid virus  while  under  control became a seasonal  thing like the  flu.  Probably the only good thin g  that came out of the pandemic  was the fact that airlines started  to ( actually ) ,   CLEAN  their planes. No seriously, the blanket s/ headphones given to you are just repackaged  and t he  air vents  weren't  clean since the plane was bought .     On to the political situation ,  s overeign countries don’t exist anymore  and the U.N .S   (United Nation States)  is in complete control  of all nations ,  since  it was deemed unfit for  people to have much freedom . In  an at temp t  to solve the issue  of terrorism, economic unrest, and  steep political disagreement ,   came true globalism .  Th