You know what really grinds my Gears? Pt2

 Ok for most of y’all reading this, this doesn’t apply to you. However it will. Filing income taxes is a pain to do. Sometimes corporations will file them for you if you get lucky. But a majority of Americans have to file it themselves. First you print off the 1040 and grab the numbers from your W-2 and do the rest from there. However if you want to get a tax refund you have to report expenses relating to healthcare or tax deductible donations and a bunch of other things. After finishing the taxes your brain would probably be fried because of how complicated it is. The math isn’t though, but putting the right value on the right lines is straight up cancer. It’s like the IRS exists just to make taxes more complicated. Oh yeah and if you mess up you could get an audit, fined, even worse jail time.

The real is reason is why? Well it’s all about money. Most countries have a system called “Return Free Filing” in which the government sends you the tax bill and you check it to see if it was done right and then pay it. This system can actually work really well here since the government already knows what assets we have , how much money we have, how much we etc. (Sounds scary). But fun fact no, the IRS just tells us to pay. We have to do the heavy lifting ourselves. Both Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama pushed for this system. However companies like H and R Block and Turbo Tax have lobbied the government to keep filing taxes as complicated as possible you know so you can use their services. I feel like this is a cruel and unusual punishment we have to go through just for a couple of companies to make big bucks. I mean have you ever seen anyone go in an H&R Block? But because of this that’s why H&R Block is in business. Imagine profiting off mental anxiety and suffering.


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