Freedom Perceived as.......

America is known for being the beacon of freedom in the world. What is freedom to you? We often don't look back enough to remember how freedom was viewed by others. Times have changed, so has freedom!

Old Freedom

In class we read a piece by Fredrick Douglass written in the 1800s about the Fourth of July holiday. He viewed that independence, being the object of the holiday was skewed and hypocritical. According to him, many white American celebrates their "Freedom", yet they took away the freedom of African Americans and treated them as 'subhuman'. As time passed, more and more people fought for their freedom.  Freedom have come a long way in the history of America. From being slavery in plantations to being one of the most powerful and influential man in the world, the president of the United States of America.

In The Partly Cloudy Patriot  Sarah Vowell talks about the movie called 'The Patriot', she compares the characters in the movie to real life people. "Mel just risked his life so that that kid's kids can rape their slaves and vote to be the first state to secede from the Union".  This old concept of selfish freedom allowed some to deprive others. Both Douglass and Vowell allude to the duplicity of true equality in America. Although we have grown out of our old ideology, its best to look back and reflect on how those were built!

Modern Freedom 

Can freedom come from simply within ourselves? Absolutely! In class we also read This is Water by David Wallace which gave a totally different perspective on how freedom can also be applied, not only just to the world of politics, but our daily lives as well.  Humans are designed to adapt to their environment. Wallace colorfully puts it, people are working hard and living a ROUTINE life. Wallace's audience of college students is noted in his work by demonstrating what a normal day would be like after they graduate. He wanted people to be free from the daily tasks and how to think and view others. That there is more to what we actually see on the surface. Wallace pointed out that humans have a default hard-wired setting  An example that the author uses is worship, not just in the religious sense, but in the likes of money,  relationships and some, of Oneself! He uses this to point out how our mentality works and tends to get bounded to something that we have always had or sorrounded by it but not necessarily visible to us. This also goes back to his metaphor about the fish not knowing what or where the water is. This modern kind of freedom is more abstract and mind-boggling than the conventional one.


  1. I liked the way you categorized freedom into old and new freedom and did a compare and contrast between the two. You also incorporated the speeches and essays we discussed in class and used it as evidence to prove your points. Good job Lance.

  2. Yes Mathew, though coming from 2 different directions, old and new, with the latter being freedom from self centeredness, collectively, will move all of us further. After all, we have come a long way, Obama being the first African American president in US history.


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