Modern Policies in an Old-Fashioned Time

 In class we read Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau, a transcendentalist from the 1840s. Now you might be asking, "How on earth is this modern?" Well if you dive deep enough you would find out that many of his ideas are the basis of many of policies that we use today in government.

One of the ideas that Thoreau described is, how one can contest the government: "If you really wish to do anything, resign from your office"(Thoreau 387). I brought this point up in our socratic seminar and how it relates to the title "Civil Disobedience". The author urges people to go against the government in a passive way, hence the title "Civil" instead of militaristic disobedience or radical disobedience. I think, Thoreau was way ahead of his time, when he wrote this essay, as many today would appreciate his thoughts on government than people back then. This could be because today we are more educated, and had been enlightened from our historical experiences of conflicts and wars. Many did not understand his thoughts and thus disagreed with him. Such a narrowed mindset led to events like the Civil War which cost many lives. 

Thoreau, who opposed the large government system did not want a full out war on the streets, and wanted change to come from the inside. With this being said, I cannot help to think of what is going on today, a political party with their militant wing ANTIFA, causing chaos in cities like Charlottesville and Portland. They have assaulted even members of their own party, as they thought them  of not being radical enough. The tactics of ANTIFA is commensurable to the ones used by the Blackshirts in the 1930's, the militant fascist group in Italy.  This type of disobedience would be a disgrace to Thoreau's ideals  and also that of Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Mandela and others who promoted equality in a peaceful approach. Changes from violence can unfold a more placid and effective modern society.

 Another idea is the first sentence which states that the author agrees with this motto, "That government is best which governs least". This is the basis for one of the political party today.  Many believe that, through less of government control,  there is a preservation of rights and freedom. Dictatorship operate in large governments that ensure total control and power. This then resulted to deprivation, poverty and a cost, freedom.  Being a 4th generation American born Chinese, like all of the immigrants who came to this country, we're all given the freedom and the right to pursue the great American dream! 


  1. I comepltely agree on how Thoreau’s way of urging to go against the government in a passive way was impressive. The way you related the past problems and the way Thoreau argued against them to modern problems and how different people argue them now was great.

    1. Thanks Ethan. Voices can always be heard and changes can always happen without violence. We can all work together for the good of everyone without causing any physical, emotional or psychological damage to anyone. Just like what Thoreau's suggested in the 1800s.

  2. I really liked how you connected the ideals of Thoreau with not only other social activists but to current situations that reflect on these beliefs. It was also really nice to see how Thoreau's statement on the government is implemented in today's society that give us freedom when minorities didn't have many rights back then.

    1. It is very true Aida that back then minorities have limited freedom. Social problems exist then as much as they do today, but we can always look back and learn from historical figures like Thoreau and strive for peace and change.


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