Is There a Single American Culture

      Is There a Single American Culture?

                                                Short answer: No        

I was watching CBS Evening News, and Nora O’ Donnell was asking a little boy, being detained with his family, behind the border fence in the Southern border, “dónde estás?”. The boy responded faintly “Estados Unidos”.  There is no doubt America is the most sought after country in the world to live in. Why not? People from all countries around the world wanted to come and experience the great American dream. From the Mayflower migrants like the forefathers of Jaqueline Kennedy to ordinary people like my Chinese great great-grandfather who first came to America. Each one has brought with them their very own, rich culture and tradition.  Since everyone loves food, I will use this as my example. Chinese food, French, German, Polish etc. had been part of the American society. Just look at the presence of these wide choices of restaurants in almost all cities, in all states.  The diversified cultures represent the individualism in America. We have Chinatown, Korean, Italian town and others, all over the country.  

The founding fathers of America fought and sacrifice for our democracy. It is our responsibility as Americans today to support, protect and defend the constitution of this country. As immigrants must also adopt to these principles enshrined to the declaration of our independence.  America is a “culture compromise” nation, where everyone has the right to live by the dictates of their conscience, heritage and the teachings of their faith. In the book Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison the African Americans had their own culture which exist along with the White culture everyone knows about. Although this took place in the era of racism, this unique culture did not die out, it actually intertwined and retained its distinct characteristics. Unlike other countries that have a singular culture, America was built on the foundation of diversified distinct culture of its people. We are all one people, one family and one glorious nation. Love this country, honor its history and respect the American Flag.  We maybe descendants of people from all over the world but we all now have one shared value of democracy, we are all now, Americans.


  1. oh my gosh this post is so good. i literally was nodding along while reading it. I'm currently taking ap comp gov (basically world politics) and one of the things I read in the textbook was about how America is so uniquely diverse and on track to be a country where the minority is the majority. This whole concept is integral to our identity as Americans - that our differences have a right to be. I loved how you said that we should "honor our country's history." This made me wonder: if we refuse different races or populations the ability to become American, is this not a disgrace to our country's history? I feel as if this is especially ironic since most of the people who are xenophobic or racist are so heavily portrayed as being extremely patriotic.

  2. I really agree that American culture is just a huge mixture. I mean, it is called the "melting pot" for a reason. While a culture may lose a little first coming to America, it will become whole again from the vat of other cultures all mixing together to create this distinct American culture that we currently live in.


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