
Showing posts from November, 2019


 Racism As our society evolves, all aspects of our world change. Racism has played a huge role in American history. Racism shifted from institutional( slavery) to societal (Brown v Board of Ed, Rosa Parks) to a different level. It’s hard to understand why racism still exists today. Most parents teach their kids that racism is damaging to our community and in theory racism should diminish right?!   Yes, parents are teaching their children to become good citizens, but the environment around them is instigating otherwise.   The media with some fake news, had a strong influence on how racism is viewed.     For example, the report of the 9/11 attacks resulted in many Americans expressing deep dislike towards a members of a certain religion, which is in fact is an incorrect perception.   A big part of racism is the stereotype which stems from events or actions that have repeatedly occurred but still an unwarranted judgement.   Stereotypes are generalizations and assumption

The Fear of Reality

The Fear of Reality     The Great Gatsby embodies the sense of a fantasized happiness and love that many wanted. It was true back then, and still is today. The psychoanalytic criticism of the Great Gatsby focuses on how the characters feared of a true lasting relationship. The supposed reality of getting married is that two are together and “till death do us part” should apply.  Unsurprisingly, even back then many wanted the benefits and advantages of having a relationship without marriage and putting in all the needed work to keep it and make it last. As discussed in class the title “ The Great Gatsby” reflects the outward façade and showed what the 1920s brought. In my opinion, many wanted to avoid the harsh reality of being associated with poverty by giving in to their desire. Pursuing something insanely difficult and complex, with no ethical motives.  I’m amazed  how determined Gatsby wanted to escape the reality of being poor by following “The American Dream” of

The Ride of Modern America

The ride of   modern America I’ve always wondered how life was right after World War one.   America’s economy was booming and many were able to afford, at that time considered to be luxury; cars, dish washers, vacuums, washing machines, refrigerator, lines of credit etc.   The automobile was the most important innovation, no longer just for the rich, it is being mass produced.   It was made easily accessible to all.     The automobile allowed, even the emerging middle class to travel farther (before cars, people usually travelled no more than 100 miles from their birth place ).   The book Great Gatsby illustrated cars as not only for transportation but also as a sign of wealth. It’s a status symbol. I can just imagine how Jay Gatsby felt as he showed Nick his pride and joy- Crème colored Rolls Royce.   Gatsby is not just proud of his car, but he also take important notice of the reactions of the people, when they are in awe with admiration of his   possessio