

As our society evolves, all aspects of our world change. Racism has played a huge role in American history. Racism shifted from institutional( slavery) to societal (Brown v Board of Ed, Rosa Parks) to a different level. It’s hard to understand why racism still exists today. Most parents teach their kids that racism is damaging to our community and in theory racism should diminish right?!  Yes, parents are teaching their children to become good citizens, but the environment around them is instigating otherwise.  The media with some fake news, had a strong influence on how racism is viewed.   For example, the report of the 9/11 attacks resulted in many Americans expressing deep dislike towards a members of a certain religion, which is in fact is an incorrect perception.  A big part of racism is the stereotype which stems from events or actions that have repeatedly occurred but still an unwarranted judgement.  Stereotypes are generalizations and assumptions put on a particular skin color.  Why do stereotypes still exist? That’s because a small population live up to them.  An example is that “Asians are smart”.  That all they do is study and not in any way conscious of anything surrounding them.  This is incorrect either.  Everyone is just or can be, as identically or even smarter.  We are all the same, we are all equal,  no matter what language our grandparents speak, what color, gender or background they are from.  If we all agree to this, then racism will eventually fade out.  Let’s look at Dr. Ben Carson and David Steward, both notable African Americans, born from a blue collar family. Instead of being angry, blaming the society and the privileged, they took the opportunities, worked hard ( Yale-Carson and Central Missouri State-Steward), and are today, both highly respected and successful  doctor, author, politician and businessman. So today we need to reflect on countless outstanding  African Americans before discriminating them.  If people broke out of their shell (living up to stereotypes) that was spread throughout our society, then the negative perception of a certain racism would dissipate.


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