The Ride of Modern America

The ride of  modern America

I’ve always wondered how life was right after World War one.  America’s economy was booming and many were able to afford, at that time considered to be luxury; cars, dish washers, vacuums, washing machines, refrigerator, lines of credit etc.  The automobile was the most important innovation, no longer just for the rich, it is being mass produced.  It was made easily accessible to all.   The automobile allowed, even the emerging middle class to travel farther (before cars, people usually travelled no more than 100 miles from their birth place ).  The book Great Gatsby illustrated cars as not only for transportation but also as a sign of wealth. It’s a status symbol. I can just imagine how Jay Gatsby felt as he showed Nick his pride and joy- Crème colored Rolls Royce.  Gatsby is not just proud of his car, but he also take important notice of the reactions of the people, when they are in awe with admiration of his  possessions. Expensive cars during that time was predominantly a way to gain acceptance and respect from the high society, which Gatsby so desperately wanted to be part of. Cars have been a symbol of American pride, luxury and modernism. Other places like Europe were just starting to embrace automobiles.  Cars – as a means of transportation, had changed and evolved  with times. Adapting to the needs of different generations, changes were made to improve comfort, looks or fuel efficiency. The evolution of cars demonstrated one of the best technology in today’s age with the advance features like hybrids, voice activated commands, auto start, autonomous etc. Maybe someday there will be flying cars, who knows? America’s future is ours to build and to build upon. America’s destiny is ours to reach. This is a place of prosperity, opportunity and dignity. Cars are one of the great pillars of our economy and will continue to be. No wonder millionaires and celebrities alike, collect cars from the oldest, rarest to the most modern ones. This is a “vehicle” that takes you not only to places, but also allows you to travel to a different time in our history.    


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