
            Winter is here.  Aren’t we all glad we have a nice warm and cozy home?   But housing has always been a major issue to a lot of people.  Not everybody enjoys this, some have none, some have more than one.  A vacation home in Florida perhaps?  We all wanted rights and privileges, what exactly are they? Well, simply, rights are what we are allowed to do, however privilege is the ability or option to do so.  Everyone has a right to own a house, sadly this is not a privilege. That’s why we call poor areas “underprivileged communities”. These communities have people with little wealth and can’t afford to buy house. Many live in apartments or old government subsidized projects.  For years our government attempted to solve this issue. Let’s look at it and dive down to the root of this issue. The reason why people cant afford decent homes is because they don’t have adequate resources, as a result of having a low paying job due to lack of education.  Underprivileged communities don’t have access to good schools due to lack of funding.  Nikole Hannah-Jones proposed an old solution that has worked in the past. Integration.  Many might not have welcomed this idea, specially the affluent and the elite ones.  I can just imagine how the parents would strongly protest to have their kids mingled with kids from the “projects” that were “bussed” to their school districts.  I have seen this in the news all over the country.  This idea has been very controversial , but it provides an equal opportunity and resources to succeed. Allowing students to get a proper education  will help the underprivileged, mostly minorities, have  better future that are usually only available to the upper and middle class families. This then would pave a way to a brighter future, the ability to own a suitable home in a decent community to raise their families.  This issue is more about wealth and it unfortunately correlates with race. Everyone should have the right to a safe domain and enjoy a good education.  After, is it not better to share what we have to improve others and our society overall?  What do you think?


  1. I agree with you Lance. Many issues stem from unequal amounts of education. In Troy, we are very fortunate to be able to take challenging courses that help us learn and develop skills that we will use in our jobs. Some people don't have this opportunity. This makes it difficult for people to advance and make more money. Without a good education they aren't able to get a high paying job and have to move into an area without a good school. This prevents their kids from getting a good education and the cycle continues. Great analysis Lance!

  2. This reminds me of the proposed merger of the Clawson school district with Troy's. Many people in Troy might go from their own point of view and only consider if it benefits Troy (i.e. financially), or even worse, just be like "no why should we help you lol". Except perhaps we should think from Clawson's point of view as well. Their schools are running out of funding and their students may be able to get much better of an education at Troy, potentially giving them more opportunities in the future - and does it really come at that big of a cost to us?

    note: I am/was one of those people who doesn't care very much so it's probably good that I'm getting myself to consider the other perspective lol

  3. Hey Lance, this is a very interesting blog post. I would definitely have to agree with you on that if we keep housing segregated like it is in a lot of today's world, housing issues will remain here. I believe that if we integrate housing and minorities to attend these privileged schools, then not only are we solving housing issues and rebuilding communities to unite the country, we are also providing a chance for these underprivileged children to get a fair chance at education. This way, the underprivileged don't remain in this constant cycle of poor housing and non-opportunity lifestyle.


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