
            Once upon a time, in Chicago, seeing an African American owning a house was like seeing a pink elephant in the wild. Mama said she was going to spend a good chunk of the insurance payout on a house in the nice, white neighborhood. But Walter, her son, had a different aspiration. He wanted to invest in a liquor store. Which later turned out to be a scam from Willy Harris.  The dream about moving into a white neighborhood have a major obstacle-they are not welcome there!  Racism is very much in existence when it comes to housing. Why can we not welcome everyone.  I remember the song I used to sing in Sunday school “Jesus loves…red and yellow, black and white, all is precious in His sight…..”.  What really grinds my gears is that the white people like Charles Lindner say: “It’s not about race and we should all get together and talk”.  Mr. Lindner is a hypocrite in denial.  The racist rhetoric brought by the whites in the community kept blacks in tiny apartments and prevented them from achieving the American dream. Today our society have made some improvement, but still needs a lot of work. 


  1. Lindner is such a great example of corruption just like eminent domain - and he works for a big business that is all about land too! He is so hypocritical just like the government in general. They both will do anything to make a profit - even if that means disregarding the constitution, and denying what the U.S. stands for. Eminent domain has made me realize that your point about society Lance, is even more true than I thought. We've made a lot - I mean a lot of progress, but we still have a LOOONNNGG way to go!


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