The Value of Literature

(Note: Deming is a Chinese boy who grew with his biological mom Polly who later abandons him. Deming is later adopted by white parents who are kind of bad at parenting. )      
          Literature like books and movies have inspired us in many ways.  It paves roads of realization, expose truth and reality,  introduces ideas and societal views while taking us back in time. An important talking point for many is race; the views associated with it, and yes you guess it right, stereotypes!  In the book “The Leavers”, we explored the world of the Asian Americans and their struggle in a predominately white society. The author often introduces characters by their race (Important part of my notes), though unintentional, it demonstrates the existence of  societal racism. We witness the various issues and challenges that Asian immigrants had to face, the ignorance and the lack of interest of Americans towards cultures that are not familiar to them. “But its not local slang. It’s a language called Fuzhounese”(Ko 89). Often times people were identified, referred to and generalized by their race or culture. This leads one misunderstanding to another and eventually causes tension.  Even though I’ve been familiar, though not necessarily speak and understand fully,  Mandarin, Cantonese, Shanghainese and Fukien, I have never heard of Fuzhounese, less knew that this was one of the many Chinese dialects. Thanks to “The Leavers”.   Right here shows a clear reason why literature is an important part of the educational system of our society. It helps open up a new horizon for various reasons, like understanding, compassion, admiration and almost knowing them personally without even meeting them.  Deming, one of the characters,  who at ten, was adopted by white parents, was almost lost in the American culture. The book carried Deming’s and his family’s point of view and was told in various perspectives. The readers were allowed to travel into the minds and lives of these characters and thus provided a deep insight and knowledge to help better understand  their difficulties,  struggles and how is it like to be an Asian American.  The importance of books like these help us see the various struggles people have to endure when immigrating to a foreign country. This form of  Literature -The Leavers, had is an eye opener,” appreciated and not anymore taken for granted”.  Thank you.


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