Whats on the Street?

What’s On The Street?

Short Answer: A lot of things. Depending on where you are, but for sure people, food, entertainment and lots of actions.

Long Answer: Many things occur in the streets of America. Some are favorable and some are not so favorable.  If you go to popular areas, such as San Francisco, you see more things on the street such as dancers, musicians, street vendors, and many other people trying to walk on by. But many of these people have something in common.  Racism awareness. In the passage from "Just Walk on By" by Brent Staples we witness how African Americans were treated in the streets. "Within seconds she disappeared" thats what happen when she saw the author, an African American.  Although this is not flat out racism, it is a form of covert racism. Many Americans try to be nice and inclusive, but due to maybe past experiences and stereotypes, this issue still remain. It's often assumed when one sees an African American on the street at night that trouble would be lurking with them.  But many forget that there are some who "stalk sleep" alluding to those with insomnia also walking the streets. Negative memories are things what people remembered and those events are still used to generalized a certain group of people. This idea is often not obvious and hidden, yet has a profound impact on society. The experiences Staples shared with us taught us to not look on the surface and shallow aspect of our society, but to look deeper with an open mind, to understand and embrace equality. So the next time you’re walking in the street, look around you, smile and enjoy the diversity!


  1. I agree! It's really interesting how people use negative assumptions and experiences to stereotype people instead of positive instances. I like how you acknowledged that and how people should instead enjoy diversity.


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