
Showing posts from March, 2020

Greetings, young one

  Creativity have opened up some changes and additions to the English language throughout the years. Various greetings reflect the different places and time periods people come from. In our complicated society today, it is essential to greet others and bring a positive politeness.    Humans are social animals they say, and love to converse with one another, thus greeting people is a natural urge.  Different cultures have ways in addressing one another like "Aloha" in Hawaii or "Shalom" in Israel, these greetings reflects their origin. These polite words demonstrate cultural diversity, a necessity in our time and age. The assorted salutations reflect the universal need and desire to politely start a conversation. Due to many people taking offense to an improper greeting or no greeting at all, to which "very formal" greetings like "Good day to you sir" came about.  This might seem like an odd ritual from the "Nacirema" (Miner), but ju


In class we discussed about science and how one's hunger or even just desire for science can go wrong and be dangerous. We, humans are fragile like "moths" and can easily come and go. What makes us unique is our quest to find and discover more through science and not allowing failure to hinder us. Looking back at our many scientific achievements through history, many people made a lot of sacrifice or even gave up their lives to make, what were once dreams, into a reality. An example is the space race, a "civilian" venture which saw the U.S to be the first and only nation to land a man on the moon. Apollo 11 was the moon landing mission, but there were 5 Apollo missions before that and some were not so good. Apollo 1 killed 3 astronauts: Gus Grissom, Ed White, Roger B Chaffee. President Kennedy's dream was to see the American flag on the moon and NASA had to make it a reality. They started with something simple such as spacecraft docking with the Gemini miss


In class we learned about flamingos and how they have affected the American society in the 50s. According to the author, flamingos were made famous due to the rich admiring the animals and almost worshipping them.  Back then, people tried to recreate the natural beauty of a flamingos in all forms, size and shapes, as a symbol of wealth, pleasure and fame.  A building structure was even built and named after it.  This is the beginning of the explosion of the plastics industry that had no regard for our environment. Today, in our modern world where we all are connected via social media, trends can easily pop up. America has a huge bandwagon populace, almost like herds of mindless sheep.  More recently athletic shoes like “Yeezys” and “Air Jordans” became popular due to celebrity and athlete endorsements.  And again plastics are a major material in manufacturing them.  Companies like Adidas and Nike have raked in big profits with these celebrity endorsements. This craze is so big that th