Greetings, young one

  Creativity have opened up some changes and additions to the English language throughout the years. Various greetings reflect the different places and time periods people come from. In our complicated society today, it is essential to greet others and bring a positive politeness.

   Humans are social animals they say, and love to converse with one another, thus greeting people is a natural urge.  Different cultures have ways in addressing one another like "Aloha" in Hawaii or "Shalom" in Israel, these greetings reflects their origin. These polite words demonstrate cultural diversity, a necessity in our time and age. The assorted salutations reflect the universal need and desire to politely start a conversation. Due to many people taking offense to an improper greeting or no greeting at all, to which "very formal" greetings like "Good day to you sir" came about.  This might seem like an odd ritual from the "Nacirema" (Miner), but just like anything we do, it has a purpose. Just like in the Nacirema, one "bowing his head before the charm box" and "mingling different sorts of holy water",  people do things that may seemed odd for a reason. An example would be bending down to the sink to wash their face. Regular greetings might likely be too old fashion to the younger generation  but acknowledgements like "good morning" or "How are you doing" bring a sense happiness, welcoming and social belonging.

 In this fast and turbulent world we live in, greetings allow one to spread positivity.
People in our society want to be politically correct, and try to change how we address one another. Our standard greetings are fine the way they are. These days people have "a strange Orwellian willingness to warp the meaning of words" and what keeps our language from turning into P.C madness  is the constant reminder of the original English and how sometimes the "older" and traditional forms of greeting one another is better and should be retained. The simple phrases like "Good morning" or "Nice day" makes one look up at the sky or the sunrise, temporarily forgetting the plagues that surround us like racism, hate and violence etc. Salutations are a good start to bring people together and thats whats important.

In our modern world new ways to say hi emerge, like "yo wassup" or "Whats poppin", but we don't use those to address as formally, specially adults, or people in authority, that would be rude. Thats where regular greetings like "How are you today?" give others a sense of formal respect that they deserve. How you greet someone not only reflects your upbringing, when or where you come from, but also introduces a little bit of who you are.


  1. I like how you showed other culture's greetings and how they show the diversity between us all. I also liked how you tied the greetings into the politically correct piece we read earlier this week. Good job Lance!

  2. Lance, your meme. WHYYYYYY? You give good anecdotal examples!

  3. I like how you referenced a couple of other piece and how you said that small greetings can be a distraction from problems!


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