Kings are well, Kings!

      In the early history, people were ruled by kings, queens, emperors, pharaohs, kaisers, tsar etc. Most cultures revere their kings as gods while some are considered a servant of their gods. I can just imagine how their high place and authority above everyone else has led to extreme arrogance. These rulers are naturally at war with fate or God.  Their will might not necessarily fit the pre-ordained design.

I thought of an example of such in King David from the Old Testament.  He loved his people yet had innate desires which in turned fired back.  In 2 Samuel 24:13  David wanted a strong army to protect the nation. This resulted in David commanding a census, instead of completely relying on God to provide him with it.  Whats wrong with taking a census? It is an act of lack of faith in God.  Just like Tireseas warned Oedipus of his fate, Joab questions David's judgement. God gave him three choices of punishment: were 3 years of famine, flee for 3 months while pursued by enemies, or a pestilence for 3 days. For fear of a wrong choice, David asked God to choose for him. Pestilence was chosen and it cost him 70,000 men according to scripture.  God originally wanted to punish more people. David built an altar and burned costly sacrifices and prayed for mercy.  The plague was averted. His selfish desire for a strong kingdom, led him to a sin and a consequential calamity much like King Oedipus. Oedipus' nation would have faced a plague unless the killer of Laius was found. No doubt, he loved Thebes, but his love gave him a difficult choice. In both scenarios, king Oedipus and king David were at odds with God/fate but sacrifice was put forth.

I would say that Oedipus' sacrifice was more dramatic than David's, it shows that kings were very similar in how they deal with fate/pre-ordained destiny. They try to repair and alleviate the mistakes for the benefit of their own people. The inherent flaw of monarchy is not the fault of the one who sits on the throne, rather the system that bestowed them with such power.  Kings often have the right intentions, but not always the proper way of executing them. 

Left:King Oedipus

Left: King David and Joab arguing about the Census

Something unrelated that interests me right now

Scrambled Eggs

A seemingly simple breakfast item, that I try to elevate to make my morning a little more bearable.


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