Do you know how much it costs?

 This week, like many this year, was spent at home. With less contact, less people are involved or effected by my decisions. Since people in my age group have no real authority, the consequences of our actions mainly effect ourselves. Probably the most important decision I had to make this week was whether to pay the license plate registration renewal now or later. My mom said “This is what its like to be an adult, constantly paying bills”. Being a part of “grown up” affairs like paying your taxes and saving money isn’t something that’s taught in school. I made the decision to pay the bill by mail due technical difficulties. People take many things for granted, an example is a car. For us teens, having a car is a privilege and many don’t see the cost of having such a privilege. Car insurance is crazy expensive and you are essentially charged to use it. Costs for repairs are astronomical no matter the make or model. That’s why  dad was so overly cautious when I drive, saying “YOU HAVE TO PAY ATTENTION TO THE ROAD” every five seconds. Mom said “Pay now to avoid late fees”. Similar to turning homework on time to avoid a late grade. My parents have allowed me to have more responsibilities especially now that I’m a senior (even though I’m paying with their money). It’s important for me to help in any way to ease the burdens of my parents. I’m glad to make the judgement call to “pay now” in order to worry less.


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