
Der Schrei der Natur (The Scream) by Edvard Munchr

This painting is one of the most iconic paintings of the modern era. The inspiration and the execution of the painting really drawn me to it.  Some say that this painting was inspired by the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883, where this single volcanic eruption changed the whole global climate for one year decreasing the temperature by 2.2 F. This hypothesis came because of the color of the sky and the expression of shock of people in it. With the use of pastel you could see the energy and matter flowing together with the chaos on the water. There's a ship on the top right that looks like its sinking. The wavy sky and the wavy person reflects the lack of order. If you look closely, there are sporadic black dots which might symbolize falling ashes. I used to be fascinated by volcanoes and how they worked, which helped me pick this painting. Sometimes the problems of this world really do make me want to scream.  The suffering of mankind is blatantly seen here with the two depressed figures on the side. The most important aspect of this painting is the red sky, which almost looks like the end of the world.  This painting reminds me of how small we are in this world and how frightened we are when  nature rebel.


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