Dog and Snow

The first couple of  lines reminds me of the fact that Dogs on see black and white.  The first registered sense that the dog and us readers see. When I go out to shovel to shovel snow my eyes are overwhelmed with light. In the next two lines the dog's excitement cant be contained. I can just imagine a dog excited to play in the snow rolling around after being all cooped up in the house. Im quite confused why its called "crystal adrenaline" maybe because the water is outside is crystalized? Like the arctic wolves that dogs are related too, the instinctual hunt begins, the dog can be wild for once. The dog ignores all human aspects of living and wanders into the white wonderland. The dog's mind is set on finding a hunt. At the end the real mindset of reality sets and returns to his master and the comforts of home. However in order to take the comforts of home the dog must sacrifice their freedom. I really enjoyed this poem as its a simple, yet lovable poem as picturing this is exciting,  I was really drawn to this poem and due to the winter season and the fact that I love dogs. The poet created something that we unconsciously sense about dogs we see in tv, or in books and built a whole new reality from it which I enjoy.




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