Life is hard

 In life we have our ups and downs. For most of my teenage years, I thought I would be immune to injury. That was until I joined water polo and injured my knee.  It was during practice and made me sit out like half the season. Did I like it? No. Did I need the time yes. After a few X-rays, the doctors said I would be fine but it would take a while to heal as the ligament was overused. Well it sucked, but I learned was very important. Watch yourself! Honestly because no one else will. Healthcare costs are very expensive, so don’t hurt yourself. (Side rant): Medicare is probably the biggest scam in America besides car insurance. Every paycheck they take out money, once you turn 65 and start receiving benefits you also have to pay money. Part A covers hospital stays which is something good and bad because getting injured is awful. Prescription drug coverage etc. costs money for my family about 200 bucks a month. I mean if you want to have Medicare for older people make it free or at least more affordable. We pay thousands of dollars for taxes and the government still takes money for a service we still have to pay for. Ok back to my injury, what I learned is to take care of myself. As you know “Health is wealth”. But as the adult teeth grow in, we have to understand that those things don’t give you a second chance. So we have to take care of it so we can last a lifetime (long time). 


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