
 Our sense of individuality comes from this word/words that identify us. Not many of you heard of a Chinese last name Moy. This name comes from Toisan/Taishan which is a large city in the Guangdong province with a population of 1 million. They have a dialect called Toisanese/Taishanese  which is similar to Cantonese. Contrary to popular belief not everyone speaks mandarin on a day to day basis, though the national language, most people especially in the southern part of China speak the regional dialect more often and only speak mandarin when those kinds of speakers come. Going back to my name which in mandarin is Mei goes back to a time in which in ancient China in which the patriarch Mei Bo or Earl of Mei tried to convince King Zhou of Shang to change from his erratic and corrupt ways. (I thought Earls were a European thing, guess I learn something new everyday!). However Mei was  beheaded for his actions. This story is similar to John the Baptist trying to convict King Herod that taking his Brother’s wife was morally wrong. Later which John got beheaded. As a result of Mei’s noble actions his descendants held on to the surname which was later changed according to different cultures and dialects. ie. (Moy) I thought this story behind my surname was quite interesting and made me look back at Chinese history appreciate my name which I gave little thought to.

Below is my Chinese name (Traditional)



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