This I have learned

This will be my final exploration recorded in this blog (for now) , it's been a great adventure.

High school was an experience I will never forget. But what I learned wasn't something that was taught in a classroom. I felt that life didnt exist before the pandemic and I know many can relate. At the very least I didnt appreciate it then. I've learned to adapt and evolve. The human experience is full of surprises. For example, one cant trust anyone. Humans live on incentives and thus trust has to have an incentive. Everyone subconsciously writes a social contract with those around them. Its different than the one with the government which is a little simpler to comprehend. The social contract we have When you go to the store you make an agreement with the people who work there, you may or may not buy something, regardless you still have respect for those around you. Arguments, fights, violence etc. exists when that social contract is breached or the parties signing it couldn't form the mutual understanding that is the basis of such contracts. The weakest contracts are with strangers because you dont tend to see them again and the strongest are with CLOSE friends and family. These contracts are have minimal stipulations and conditions and thus the parties tend to be lax and will tolerate more _____ you as a person give. Friends and family are actually bound to a person due to mutual goals and aspirations, close friends can accept bad behavior or even fix it on a person, however when the mindset changes everything else goes with it. The modern world is a flowing construct based on contracts and incentives which help drive us forward, that is what I have learned.


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