
Showing posts from February, 2021

Dog and Snow

The first couple of  lines reminds me of the fact that Dogs on see black and white.  The first registered sense that the dog and us readers see. When I go out to shovel to shovel snow my eyes are overwhelmed with light. In the next two lines the dog's excitement cant be contained. I can just imagine a dog excited to play in the snow rolling around after being all cooped up in the house. Im quite confused why its called "crystal adrenaline" maybe because the water is outside is crystalized? Like the arctic wolves that dogs are related too, the instinctual hunt begins, the dog can be wild for once. The dog ignores all human aspects of living and wanders into the white wonderland. The dog's mind is set on finding a hunt. At the end the real mindset of reality sets and returns to his master and the comforts of home. However in order to take the comforts of home the dog must sacrifice their freedom. I really enjoyed this poem as its a simple, yet lovable poem as picturing

Life is hard

 In life we have our ups and downs. For most of my teenage years, I thought I would be immune to injury. That was until I joined water polo and injured my knee.  It was during practice and made me sit out like half the season. Did I like it? No. Did I need the time yes. After a few X-rays, the doctors said I would be fine but it would take a while to heal as the ligament was overused. Well it sucked, but I learned was very important. Watch yourself! Honestly because no one else will. Healthcare costs are very expensive, so don’t hurt yourself. (Side rant): Medicare is probably the biggest scam in America besides car insurance. Every paycheck they take out money, once you turn 65 and start receiving benefits you also have to pay money. Part A covers hospital stays which is something good and bad because getting injured is awful. Prescription drug coverage etc. costs money for my family about 200 bucks a month. I mean if you want to have Medicare for older people make it free or at least

The most beautiful word in english

 The most beautiful word for me is Sycamore. Before you go on, just say it out loud a couple of times. I swear, I heard this in a song before, there are so many songs that have the word sycamore in it. The word is very catchy. The unique syllables make it stand out among other words. Every now and then, oldies music would be playing somewhere, even in someone's car.  I would find myself sitting back just listening. From depressing love songs to songs about asking for help from the Beatles. I heard it all. This shaped my taste for music, some honestly I didn't care at all. Even today’s music is awful but the concept of rhyming words and the flow of on and off beats really “hit home” for me. The meaning of the song could sometimes be weird or none at all. Some exceptions are linked below and all had the word Sycamore in it. This word resonates with me as it rhymes and flows with other words in a unique way. As English isn’t naturally as beautiful sounding as some languages, like

Secret behind "Healthy"

 I recently had Yoplait yogurt a gain after a few years. I remember stacking those empty containers in pyramids. The yogurt is literally ADDICTIVE. They tasted great but and I learned something. Ever since I was a boy I was always fascinated by the long and odd words in the ingredients label which made me conscious of what I eat. Like most "healthy" yogurts that claim "light" or "fat free" they have gelatin, yeah (jello).  Since yogurt is naturally fatty, so it couldn't be marketed as a "healthy" food so they took out the milk fat and added gelatin. The fat is what makes yogurt creamy so companies improvised using extracts, corn starch etc. Gelatin is made from ground up pig bones and kosher gelatin is made from fish bones. Honestly, what makes them taste good is the 16g+ of sugar added. Don't be deceived into believing that it's healthy. Another drink that I love that has a secret, is orange juice. The best breakfast companion out t